Friday, July 26, 2013

Beauty and ugly of mathematics ;)

As the words comes by, if you feel the easier for you to answer that question, you probably are doing it wrong

Im introduce to you, first world problem (maybe not for you as i know you all are genius enough dealing with the imaginary numbers. Haha) 


I don't know why in this beautiful saturday morning i want to post something about maths, maybe because yesterday i teach my sis perhaps. Haha

Actually, I'm not really fall in love with maths even-thought I'm doing actuarial science for my degree , yeah, maybe some of you never heard about this course, ~~first of all, this course not related with fish, archery or whatever what you thinks of. This course a lil about insurance, risk management, finance but the primary is, this course just full of maths! Thats for me is madness. HahaI'm  not good in maths still I'm doing this type of course.

Okay enough with nonsense talk about my course. Now lets focus to the topic. Hehe

Since I'm 4 years old, i already pushed by my abah to doing lot maths exercise. Thats why i hate maths, this subject haunted me for rest of my life!! If i know who create this subject, I'm sure i will kill him (okay, just joking, maybe slap him? Haha)

Because of lot exercise since young, i score pretty well in my primary school ;), always getting A in examination hehe

But all the joyful cherish moment in middle school turn 360 degrees when I'm in secondary school. Im became a dull student, always get failed in for my maths paper. I don't know what when wrong. I also have experience became the only one that get zero for additional maths subject, suck hell rite? 

Maths just you must understand the concept. All the information contain in the  question you must carry out carefully so you not miss out single thing. And a lot of exercise is a must! A lot a lot lot lot!! And i mean it. Haha

And look at me now, after i understand what is maths about, i can do it well and score flying colours in university. Maths just about concept. Don't skip to next topic if you don't understand the previous topic. 

Maths is fun, learn it is joy, but when do exercise. Its suck! Haha

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Pokok dan Mancis

Sebatang pokok dapat membuat jutaan batang mancis. Tapi satu batang mancis juga dapat membakar jutaan pokok. Jadi, satu fikiran negatif dapat membakar semua fikiran positif. Mancis mempunyai kepala, tetapi tidak mempunyai otak, oleh kerena itu setiap kali ada gesekan kecil, sang mancis terus terbakar. Kita mempunyai kepala, dan juga otak, jadi kita TIDAK perlu terbakar marah hanya kerena gesekan kecil.

Ketika burung hidup, ia makan ulat. Ketika burung mati, ulat makan burung. Waktu terus berputar sepanjang zaman. Kitaran kehidupan terus berlaku. JANGAN merendahkan siapapun dalam hidup, bukan kerena siapa mereka, tetapi kerena siapa diri kita.

Kita mungkin berkuasa tapi WAKTU lebih berkuasa daripada kita.
Waktu kita sedang berjaya, kita merasa banyak teman di sekeliling kita. Waktu kita sakit, kita baru tahu bahawa sihat itu sangat penting, jauh melebihi HARTA.

Ketika kita tua, kita baru tahu masih banyak yang belum dikerjakan. Dan, setelah di ambang ajal, kita baru tahu begitu banyak waktu yang terbuang sia-sia.

Hidup tidaklah lama, sudah saatnya kita bersama - sama membuat HIDUP LEBIH BERHARGA. Saling menghargai, saling membantu dan memberi, juga saling menyokong. Jadilah teman perjalanan hidup yang tanpa banyak soal dan syarat. Believe in "Cause and Effect".

Yang kamu semai, itulah yang kamu tuai!

Selamat Berpuasa Dan Berjihad

Ps. Copy paste dari facebook. Marilah menghargai hidup kita :D

Me? Blogging? Ain't nobody get time for it?

Yes. Thats why I'm decide to push a lil desire in my heart to let my heart out and make a new blog title 'rainbow is white'. Hooray!!!! 

The reason why i start to blog-ging again because

1. Rarely people will read my messy post about i 'merepek' whatsoever. Haha

2. Ain't nobody got time for blogging, but guess what, now I'm so boring. Having not yet the best semester break that i imagine so i have plenty of time to write ;)

3. Support me guys! Haha, of course i always 'hangat2 tahi ayam' about working on something. But i hope this blog will help me to become more responsible and teach me how to be matured

4. My written so suck lately. I cant make english or malay essay wonderfully like during my form 5. So with this blog, i can improve my essay, my comprehension, and give me passion about something ;)

5. Just wanna feel ease, job down about my heart say. 

Lets blogging!
Dimulakan dengan bismillah :D